Turing Center at University of Washington

Investigating problems at the crossroads of natural language processing, data mining, Web search, and the Semantic Web.

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About the Turing Center

The Turing Center is a multidisciplinary research center at the University of Washington, investigating problems at the crossroads of natural language processing, data mining, Web search, and the Semantic Web.

The Center was established in May 2005 with a multi-million dollar gift from the Utilika Foundation, which is augmented by federal research grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Office, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity as well as support from Google and the Washington Research Foundation.

The Center's current federal research support comes from ARO grant W911NF-13-1-0246, ONR grant N00014-11-1-0294, DARPA contract FA8750-13-2-0019, and IARPA contract FA8650-10-C-7058.  Previously the Center had been supported by NSF grants IIS-0803481, IIS-0535284 and IIS-0312988, ONR grants N00014-08-1-0431 and N00014-05-1-0185, and DARPA contracts FA8750-09-C-0179 and NBCHD030010.

Our mission is to advance the philosophy, science, and technology of pan-lingual communication and collaboration among human and artificial agents.


Paul Allen hires Oren Etzioni for new AI Institute

Oren Etzioni, GeekWire's 2013 Geek of the Year

Oren Etzioni featured in The New York Times

Tom Lin received a Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges award

Oren Etzioni is GeekWire's Geek of the Week

Nature article Search needs a shake-up

Web search is ready for a shakeup, says Turing Center Director

Hoifung Poon and Pedro Domingos received Best Paper Award at UAI '11 for Sum-Product Networks: A New Deep Architecture

Jonathan Berant received Best Student Paper Award at ACL '11 for Global Learning of Typed Entailment Rules

Janara Christensen awarded a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

ReVerb Open Information Extraction Software released as open source

Unsupervised named-entity extraction from the Web: An experimental study most cited AIJ article in the last 5 years

UW CSE Ph.D. alum Doug Downey is 2010 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow

Oren Etzioni awarded a Washington Research Foundation Endowed Entrepreneurship Professorship in Computer Science & Engineering, summer 2009

Eytan Adar received Best Student Paper Award at WSDM '09 for The Web Changes Everything: Understanding the Dynamics of Web Content

Alan Ritter received Best Student Paper Award at IUI '09 for Learning to Generalize for Complex Selection Tasks

Alan Ritter and Tom Lin awarded National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships

Michael Skinner wins TopCoder Competition

Fei Wu won the best paper prize at CIKM '07 for Automatically Semantifying Wikipedia

Michele Banko received Best Student Paper Award at K-CAP '07 for Strategies for Lifelong Knowledge Extraction from the Web

Press release announcing the launch of PanImages

Oren Etzioni received the 2007 Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Lecture Award

Stefan Schoenmackers won the Bob Bandes Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2006-2007

Emily Bender awarded an NSF CAREER Grant for the Grammar Matrix project

Michele Banko awarded a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Doug Downey awarded a Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship

Distinguished Paper Award at IJCAI 2005 awarded to Doug Downey, Oren Etzioni, and Stephen Soderland


 Email: turing@cs.washington.edu | Maps | Directions

 Modified: October 15, 2013